Η ονοματική κλίση της κρητικής διαλέκτου από τον όψιμο μεσαίωνα έως τη σημερινή εποχή

Γεώργιος Χαιρετάκης


The aim of this paper is to give a general overview of the nominal inflectional system of the Cretan dialect from a diachronic perspective. By dividing Cretan into three periods, namely, Late Medieval Cretan (1300 – 1500), Early Modern Cretan (1500 – 1700), and Modern Cretan (1900–), I will investigate the mechanisms of morphological change which are responsible for the evolution of the dialect’s nominal system. Following Ralli (1999, 2000, 2005), I will also propose a division of nouns into inflectional classes which rely on the presence of systematic stem allomorphy, and the form of the whole set of inflectional endings that are combined with the stems.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

Cretan dialect, Late Medieval and Early Modern Greek, nominal inflection, inflectional classes, morphological change

Πλήρες Κείμενο:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/icgl.v1i1.3781

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